Featuring the captivating artwork from the best-selling book Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy, Bodyweight Strength Training: Lower Body and Back presents nine of the most effective exercises in a full-color, oversized poster format.
Bodyweight Strength Training: Lower Body and Back features exercise instruction and illustrations for the following:
• Towel face pull
• Pull-up
• Wall squat isohold (with wall squat march variation)
• Static lunge (with forward lunge variation)
• Single-leg Romanian deadlift (with reaching variation)
• Glute bridge (with glute march variation)
• Donkey kick (with bird dog variation)
• Side-lying clam
• Squat calf raise
Providing an understanding of the primary and secondary muscles involved in each bodyweight exercise, the illustrations and step-by-step instructions clearly identify safe resistance training movements that can be performed anywhere.
Individual poster size: 24 by 31 inches (60 by 80 cm)
Posters can be purchased individually or as a series.